Figurefacts Food Diary

My Figurefacts™ Diary

Begin by reviewing your estimated profile needs, your fluid and food serving guidelines displayed on the left. Then enter the food name for the food you have eaten or plan to eat in the search section, Select the food category and food group to narrow the search and the number of choices that display. Next select a food item to enter into your diary for the day (Remember to select the meal, date, time and amount consumed before adding to your diary.).

Note: The Daily Totals are being tallied and food servings for the corresponding food group darken to indicate the number of servings consumed. Click on Add a cup to tally your fluid intake for the day. Think of this as your very own food fuel gauge to help guide your choices as you move through your day.

Check out the Sample Meal Plans in order to get some delicious meal and snack suggestions and a sense of the volume of food needed to meet your estimated caloric need.